

Color Positions

background : linear-gradient(at center center, rgba(0,0,0,1) 0%,rgba(255,0,0,1) 100%);

CSS Gradient Background Generator Tool

Simple Tool to generate CSS code for gradient background. You can tweak settings for each stop and create a custom gradient.

Select from Templates to quickly get started.

  1. Click on Add Color Stop to add more colors to gradient.
  2. Adjust Color from the side panel
  3. Adjust Angle and Positions from Center Panel
  4. Click On code to copy CSS

What is a CSS Gradient?

Gradients are CSS parts of the image information kind that show a transition between 2 or additional colors. These transitions are shown as either linear or radial. As a result of they're of the image information kind, gradients are often used anyplace a picture maybe. The foremost common use for gradients would be in an exceeding background part.

To put it additional relevantly, gradients are a part of a very common style trend that has been gaining quality over the last many years. It looks that they need perpetually be around within the background (no pun intended); though, some sources claim that the trend is “coming back”. Of course, it’s onerous for one thing to come back if it ne'er left, however, we’ll chalk that up to linguistics.

Gradients permit you—the designer—to explore new opportunities to produce recent, clean styles for your audience. The additional transition between colors permits you to play with two-dimensional and on the face of it three-dimensional aspects, taking your styles from boring to extraordinary with some straightforward code.

Linear Gradients

Transitions in linear gradients occur on a line determined by an angle or direction. A CSS linear-gradient will be coded by the usage of linear-gradient() perform and might be as easy or complicated as you'd like. At the terribly least, you’ll solely want 2 colors to induce started. From there, you'll add a lot of colors, angles, directions, and a lot of to customize your gradient even any.


  linear-gradient(90deg, #020024 0%, #090979 35%, #00d4ff 100%);

If you allow the code at its most simple styling, the opposite parts are decided automatically by the browser. This includes the direction or angle and color-stop positions. For additional made-to-order styling, you'll specify these values to form fun gradients with multiple colors or angulate directions. Wiggling with color-stop positions might conjointly leave you with a solid pattern rather than a standard gradient. the probabilities are endless!

Compared to radial gradients, linear gradients are definitely additional well-liked in style and disapproval techniques. As an example, you'll have noticed the favored music-streaming company, Spotify, and their gradient disapproval recently. Linear gradients are, perhaps, the simplest thanks to incorporate this trend into your creations, as they appear to mix swimmingly with different style parts.

Radial Gradients

A CSS radial gradient—although way less usually seen—is even as lovely and fun as a linear gradient and might be enforced even as simply. thereupon same, the code could seem tougher to work out initially. it's for this reason that, for a few designers, it's going to be easier to start out out with a linear gradient.


  radial-gradient(circle, #5c0067 0%, #00d4ff 100%);

Of course, the code isn’t truly all that difficult in the least. In fact, most of the code is strictly equivalent to that of the linear gradient—with simply a number of tweaks for further radial customization. For instance, in contrast to linear gradients, you'll truly modify the dimensions of radial gradients in situ of wherever the direction would ordinarily go. Taking part with the various values that confirm these sizes will provide you with heaps of various results.

While radial gradients might not be as standard as their linear counterparts, it’s potential that you just might need to see them additional usually than you think that. Special CSS techniques will leave you with styles that might be unidentifiable once it involves the everyday plan of what a linear or radial gradient may appear as if. In the end, radial gradients area unit even as powerful to use and might provide your styles with an additional kick of one thing special.

Color Shades

Color shades come in lighter and darker variations of a selected color. Whereas in the theory of color, a "shade" is made by adding black and a "tint" is formed by adding white, "shade" typically refers to the complete vary of attainable colors.

  • Shades of Blue

Shades of blue include cyan, navy, turquoise, aqua, midnight blue, sky blue, royal blue, and aquamarine. The hex value of blue color in HTML is #0000FF.

  • Shades of Red

Shades of red include crimson, maroon, salmon, tomato, fire brick, coral, and orange-red. The hex value of red color in HTML is #FF0000.

  • Shades of Green

Shades of green include lime, chartreuse, forest green, olive, sea green, teal, spring green, and lawn green. The hex value of the green color in HTML is #008000.

  • Shades of Yellow

Shades of yellow include gold and khaki. The hex value of yellow color in HTML is #FFFF00.

  • Shades of Purple

Shades of purple include lavender, plum, violet, fuchsia, magenta, indigo, thistle, and orchid. The hex value of the purple color in HTML is #800080.

  • Shades of Pink

Shades of pink include hot pink and fuchsia. The hex value of pink color in HTML is #FFC0CB.